What's included in our service?


All Other Backup Services


Nightly Offsite Data Backup



Weekly Data Restoration

Not Offered


Weekly Data Verification

Not Offered



Our BackupRestored service is dramatically different from all other online backup services. In addition to a nightly offsite backup, your accounting data will be restored and validated on a weekly basis.

Although the other backup services never mention it, routinely testing your data backup is the most important part of a solid backup plan.

We restore and validate your accounting data every week - guaranteed.

As part of your service we will develop a customized "Offsite Backup Plan".

The Offsite Backup Plan includes:

* Identification and location of vital accounting data

* Restoration Plan (see Weekly Restoration)

* Data Validation Plan (see Weekly Validation)


No other online backup service routinely restores and validates your data. If your company is not routinely testing data backups you are taking an enormous chance......rolling the dice.

Take one moment and seriously consider the consequences of losing all your accounting data....frightening right. The impact on any company would be devastating. Now with BackupRestored the possibility of that happening is virtually eliminated.

Please take a moment to read our information on Weekly Restoration and Weekly Validation. This information outlines the reasons we are so passionate about our BackupRestored service.